Benefits of Eating Salmon

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Benefits of Eating Salmon

One of the most popular and nutritious food in the world is Salmon.

The reason for its popularity is its great taste and nutrition value. The health benefits of eating salmon are numerous.

  • Salmon is very rich in omega 3 fatty acids and farmed salmon has a higher amount of them compared to wild salmon. Omega 3 is unlike other fats because our bodies cannot create them so we have to receive them from our food.
  • Salmon is also really high in protein which is very important for our bodies as well. Protein is essential when we are healing and it helps us build and repair body tissues.(1112131415). It is recommended that we should eat about 20-30 grams of protein in each meal (16) and one serving of Salmon is about 25 grams of protein (12)
  • Salmon is also very high in Vitamins.
    • It is very high in B vitamins which is very beneficial to brain health and the nervous system (2, 18).
    • It has a high amount of potassium which helps controlling blood pressure and reduces the risks of strokes (12,19, 202122, 23).
    • It contains Selenium which is a mineral. Our bodies only need a little of it but it is important for bone health and thyroid function and can even reduce the risk of some cancers (24252627, 12,  (2829).
  • Salmon can with reducing risks of heart disease. This has mainly to do with the omega 3 fatty acids and studies have shown that eating Salmon twice a week increases the omega 3 levels of  8-9% which has a positive effect on heart health(3536,3738,39,4041). Because salmon has Astaxanthin which is an antioxidant that can help with cholesterol, heart health. (3031). This antioxidant can also help prevent skin damage and has positive effects on the skin´s elasticity which can help to make the skin look younger(33,34).
  • Eating salmon on a regular basis can help with weight control. Because of the protein, you will feel fuller for a longer period of time and it helps the metabolic system(42, 43, 444546, 12).
  • Several studies show that eating salmon can help with inflammation (474849, 35365051).
  • Many studies show that eating Salmon can improve brain health. It can help with depression, anxiety, memory loss and even lower risk of developing dementia (5253545556,57)

So not only is Salmon delicious and very versatile when cooking but also extremely good for your health.


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